Monday, 5 March 2012

Music Promo Video Peer Feedback

To gain feedback from our peers we showed the music video to the whole class and asked them to give us anonymous written feedback. Pink post-it notes were the positive comments and things they liked, and the yellow post-it notes were criticisms or areas they thought we could improve on.
Common positive feedback we recieved was that reverse effect we used was a good idea and unique, the handheld camera and point of view shots we used were effective, the choice of music was relevant and our video had similarities to the likes of skins. Receiving this positive feedback about our video made us pleased as we were wanting to create a project similar to skins with relevant music appealing to the target audience and intended for the camera shots and effects to be received the way they were.

Common criticisms we recieved were the very end of the video with the dialogue had a few editing mistakes and the dialogue could have been clearer. These were factors we were already aware of and agreed with, we had tried to fix them as best as we could during the editing process and unfortunately due to timing issues we couldn't amend them completely. Another common criticism that we received we're that some scenes lasted to long. We were aware this could be a problem however we had to pick the best clips from the hours of footage we had taken and a lot was unusable, and where there are clips that last a lot longer than the others this was because they were the most useable. For example in order to get the correct length on the video we needed to fill out a few more seconds but there were no more useable little clips and it was a toss up between more footage of someone urinating into a toilet or more footage of someone blowing smoke, so we went with the blowing smoke scene to extend. A few people also said they didn't understand the storyline and it made no sense, this is due to the fact as a group we didn't introduce the video properly and only people who were friends with or worked near us in the classroom understood the ideas behind our project.

We also uploaded the video onto YouTube and Tumblr, two popular social networking sites specifically amongst our target audience. This allowed us to ensure that our video reached the audience it was intended to and to gain feedback from people who may not have during the feedback session in class, such as online friends and friends from different schools etc.

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